Porky Piglet's Games for Elementary Physical Education
TYPE:                         Pursuit & Evade
CYCLE:                      II, III                                                                                                                                       

TACTICS:                  Avoiding others, teamwork
QEP:                         Competency II: opposition, communication, feinting

To avoid having the target player tagged by working as a team

open space, pinnies

- Divide class into groups of 4, and have them spread out (ideally in their own quadrant (half badminton court, etc.) but as long as there is enough space between groups it’s fine).
- Within the groups 1 player is selected as the tagger, while the other 3 players link together to form a triangle by holding pinnies. One of the triangle players is selected as the target.
- The 2 other players must work together to help the target player avoid getting tagged by the tagger, who is on the outside of the triangle  
- If tagged the target player becomes the new tagger, and a new target is chosen. If still not tagged after 45 seconds they can switch.
- Be sure everyone has a turn at being all the roles

- Play with more players linked together (Square Tag, Pentagon Tag, Hexagon Tag, etc.)
- Blindfold the target player

- Be aware of where other groups are
- Keep head up
- Tag appropriately


© Trish Dempsey 2011