Porky Piglet's Games for Elementary Physical Education
TYPE:                        Net & Wall
CYCLE:                     II, III                                                                                                                      

TACTICS:                 moving opponent on court, agility, reaction time
QEP:                        Competency II: use of available space

To get to the number 1 space

Open space, cones, tennis balls

- Divide the class into team of 4 students, they will then set up so that 1 player is in each of the 4 squares separated by cones. Each square is numbered 1-4
- The player in the number 1 square is in top position and player who is in number 2 squares is in second position, etc.
- In order to end up in 1st position, you must knock out the opponents who are in higher squares.
- The player in the top space position begins the game by serving the ball into any other square using an underhand open palmed serve.
- The player’s square that it lands in must then return it to any other player’s square.
-All shot must be underhanded.
- If you are in 1st position and you get knocked out, you move to 4th position and everyone else moves up in space.

- Use differently sized and weighted ball (Omnikin, volleyball, soft playground ball, etc.)

- Keep head up
- Don’t cross another group’s court, if ball goes there wait for someone to toss it back

© Trish Dempsey 2011