Porky Piglet's Games for Elementary Physical Education
 TYPE:                       Strike & Field 
CYCLE:                     II, III                                                                                                                       

TACTICS:                  moving opponent on field, agility, teamwork
QEP:                         Competency II: cooperation – opposition, communication

Open space, bases, pinnies, bean bags, hula hoops (bean bags and hoops must match colours)

- Divide class into 2 differently coloured teams. The fielding team sets up as they normally would in the play area, and the striking team lines up behind home plate, each holding a bean bag (assorted colours).
- To begin the game, they all throw their bean bags and must run all bases and get back to home plate to score a point.
- The fielders must get all the bean bags in the right coloured hoops, which are scattered throughout the play area, and yell “STOP”. At which point the other team stops running and can’t score any more points that inning.
- Fielders are not allowed to move with the beanbag, they must pass and can only pivot.
- Teams switch roles.

- Increase/decrease distance of bases if too easy for one team
- Allow fielders to take up to 3 steps with the bean bag in hand

- Don’t throw bean bag directly at someone
- Keep head up

© Trish Dempsey 2011