Porky Piglet's Games for Elementary Physical Education
TYPE:                       Territorial
CYCLE:                     III                                                                                                                            

TACTICS:                 teamwork, decision making
QEP:                        Competency II: using available space, opposition

To get your entire team behind the opposing team’s baseline.

open space, pinnies, cones (to establish centre and baselines)

- Divide class into 2 different coloured teams, and have them line up behind the baselines
- The first team to get all of its players across the opposite baseline wins.
- Once a player cross the center line they can be tagged by the opposing team, and they are frozen. They must do a balance (stand on one leg with knee up and hands out to the side), and can only be freed if a teammate takes them by the wrist and brings them back to their home side.
- Players cannot be tagged while bringing someone back after freeing them.
- A player who has already made it to the safe zone can free a teammate, but must bring them back to the home side and continue from there

- If it’s taking too long set a time limit and the team with the most players in the safe zone at that time wins
- Instead of players being frozen in place when tagged, have them go to a “jail” on that side of the play area where they must also be freed by a teammate

- Keep head up
- Tag appropriately
-  Ensure there’s enough room between the baselines and the wall

© Trish Dempsey 2011