Porky Piglet's Games for Elementary Physical Education
TYPE:                       Strike & Field 
CYCLE:                     III                                                                                                           

TACTICS:                 teamwork, reaction time, agility, moving opponent on court, maintaining formation
QEP:                        Competency II: communication, cooperation-opposition

To score as many runs as possible before the fielding team gets the ball

Open space, pinnies, Omnikin ball

- Divide class into differently coloured teams of 6-8 players (minimum 3 teams). 4 players from each team will play at a time. Players of the defensive team form a square around the ball. This same square constantly follows all the movements of the ball. Each player is responsible of a corner of the square and ideally follows that corner of the ball throughout the round. The 4 players have to maintain the team’s square formation to make it simpler to catch the ball later.
- When hitting, as green is doing in the diagram below, 3 of the players stabilize the large ball (2 on one side and 1 on the other works best), and the hitter runs up and launches it forward.
- Just before hitting the ball the hitter must yell “OMNIKIN” and the colour of another team.
- The same player can’t hit twice in a row
- The team called out has to catch the ball before it touches the floor:
                            - If they succeed, then it is their turn to hit.
                            - If they fail, the other two teams get one point each and it is still their turn to hit.

- In a class setting play with up to 6 players per team on the court at once, and be sure to often sub players in

- Keep head up when fielding
- Crouch and tuck head when holding the ball for the hitter

© Trish Dempsey 2011