Porky Piglet's Games for Elementary Physical Education
TYPE:                     Territorial
CYCLE:                   II, III                                                                                                                       

TACTICS:             teamwork, throwing accuracy
QEP:                   Competency II: offensive/defensive roles, cooperation, communication

To knock down the other team’s ball from its post

2 badminton poles, 2 soft playground balls, pinnies, flat cones (to place along the edge of the key)

- Divide class into 2 differently coloured teams
- Each team chooses a goaltender. This is the only player allowed in the key to defend the post.
- Players can only pivot with the ball, and can hold it for a maximum of 3 seconds
- If ball hits the wall it’s still in play, however it cannot bounce off the wall and knock the ball off the post.
- Be sure to often change the goaltender

- Add a minimum/maximum amount of passes to be made prior to taking a shot on the post
- Play with a bigger ball (Omnikin, volleyball, etc.) to make it easier
- Balance a tennis ball on the post for a greater challenge
- Add up to 3 balls in play
- Have a ball for only girls to shoot, and another for only boys. Both genders can still pass either ball however, this only affects who can attempt a shot with it.

- Keep head up
- Use warm defence
- Only goaltender is allowed in the key

© Trish Dempsey 2011