Porky Piglet's Games for Elementary Physical Education
TYPE:                        Net & Wall
CYCLE:                     II, III                                                                                                                       

TACTICS:                 moving opponent on court, agility, teamwork
QEP:                         Competency I: manipulation skills
                                 Competency II: using available space

To score a point by making the ball bounce on opponent’s side of the court.

Open space, cones, tennis balls

- In groups of 4, students take a tennis ball and set up on half a badminton court, facing each other on opposite sides of the centerline (2 on each side).
- One player starts by bouncing the ball on their own side of the court so that their partner can catch it in the air once it has cross the centerline. If the player catches it he/she returns it the same way.
- If the ball touches the ground on the opponent’s side of the court it’s a point for the player that threw it.
- Count the number of consecutive catches.

- Play with fast substitutions (or with more players AND fast substitutions)
- Use differently sized and weighted balls (Omnikin, soft playground ball, volleyball, etc.)
- Instead of catching hit ball with open palm, to simulate a racquet
- Instead of ball bouncing on the thrower’s side of the court, it must bounce only once on the opponent’s side. If it bounces twice the thrower gets a point.

- Don’t cross another group’s court, if ball goes there wait for someone to toss it back

© Trish Dempsey 2011