Porky Piglet's Games for Elementary Physical Education
TYPE:                       Territorial
CYCLE:                     III                                                                                                                                            

TACTICS:                  teamwork, decision making
QEP:                         Competency II: offensive/defensive roles, communication, cooperation

For players to work as a team to score points through various means.

Open space, pinnies, 2 hockey/handball nets, 2 benches, soft playground ball

- Divide class into 2 differently coloured teams.
- Players are not allowed to move with the ball, only pivoting is permitted
- The game resembles handball, but as soon as the ball drops to the floor it because soccer
-  If ball is on the floor a player is allowed to lift it up to either a teammate or him/herself to carry on as handball
- There are 3 ways for a team to score points: 
                    - For 1 point: kick the ball onto the opposing team’s bench
                    - For 2 points: shoot the ball into the other team’s hockey/handball net 
                    - For 3 points: score in the other team’s basketball net from outside of the key

- Allow players to take up to three steps with the ball
- Allow bounce passes
- Add a minimum/maximum amount of passes before an attempt to score is permitted
- Underhand throws only

- Keep head up
- Use warm defence

© Trish Dempsey 2011