Porky Piglet's Games for Elementary Physical Education
TYPE:                        Net & Wall
CYCLE:                     III                                                                                                                                            

TACTICS:                 moving opponent on the court, reaction time, agility
QEP:                        Competency II: use of available space

Throw the Frisbee so it lands on floor on the opponents’ side of the net.

Badminton court, Frisbee

- Divide class into groups of 4-6, each stationed at a badminton court (doubles boundaries)
Layer 1: in pairs pass Frisbee to each other (within the half court) not over the net
Layer 2: same as layer 1, but over the net this time
Layer 3:The Game:
                    - Start with a round of “rock paper scissors” to determine which team starts with the Frisbee. They “serve” it from the backline to anywhere on the opponents’ court.
                    - Set up with 2 players on each side of the net, toss the Frisbee to the opponents’ side trying to make it land on the ground to score a point.
                    - If the Frisbee lands out of boundaries the receiving team scores a point.
                    - Like badminton, only one “hit” (catch and throw) is allowed per side 
                    - The team that scored the point starts the next round by serving from behind the backline.

- Use non-dominant hand only
- Allow players to pass once to teammate before sending Frisbee over net
- Pass Frisbee under the net instead of over
- Play with up to 6 players a side
- Eliminate the net
- Play with fast substitutions

- Keep head up, always be aware of where the Frisbee is
- Don’t cross another group’s court, if Frisbee goes there wait for someone to toss it back

© Trish Dempsey 2011