Porky Piglet's Games for Elementary Physical Education
TYPE:                             Pursuit & Evade
CYCLE:                          III             

TACTICS:                        Moving in space, avoiding others, decision-making (where to go)
QEP:                               Competency II: opposition, using available space

To avoid getting tagged by The Pirates.

Open space (entire gymnasium with 3 badminton courts), hoops, pinnies, small mats/hoops


Layer 1 – familiarization with the play area and movement patterns
-  Have students run 1 lap around The Beach (around all 3 badminton courts)
-  Have students run 2 laps around The Beach, this time using 2 The Bridges (space between the courts)
-  Have students move through the entire play area this time using The Beach, The Bridges, and The Boats (shuffle in hoops to get across The Lakes).

Layer 2 – the game
- Select 2-3 players to be The Pirates, they must wear pinnies and use tag sticks to tag other players.
- If tagged, players go out of the boundaries and do a required task (10 jumping jacks, push-ups, etc.). When they become a group of 6 outside the play area they can all enter the game again.
- Make sure to choose new taggers for the next round.

- In one of the Lakes have “stepping stones” (smaller hoops or mats) for players to step on to get across. If they step on the water they are out.
- Have taggers use tag sticks (shaped pool noodles)


- Only 1 player per boat at a time
- Appropriate tagging
- Keep head up


© Trish Dempsey 2011