Porky Piglet's Games for Elementary Physical Education
Evaluation Criteria:
1. Active participation in developing the plan of action
2. Adaptation of movements or actions to the situation
3. Adaptation of verbal or nonverbal communication to the situation
4. Behaviour consistent with ethical rules
5. Identification of desirable improvements
6. dentification of strategies that are transferable to other situations  

Essential Knowledge:


1. Principles of communication
2. Methods of communication
3. Principles of synchronization
4. Roles

1. Action rules in combat activities
2. Action rules in dueling activities
3. Action rules in group activities in a common space
4. Action rules in group activities in separate spaces

1. Types of movements or actions


1. Types of activities
            Group activities
            Cooperative activities
            Combat activities
            Dueling activities

1. Ethics-related aspects
2. Ethical rules relevant to the situation
3. Values developed through games and sports
4. Respect for peers, rules, the referee
5. Fairness 
6. Fighting spirit
7. Desire to surpass oneself
8. Acceptance of victory and defeat
9. Appreciation for good plays
10. Honesty
11. Dignity and self-control