Porky Piglet's Games for Elementary Physical Education
TYPE:                       Strike & Field 
CYCLE:                     I, II, III                                                                                                                    

TACTICS:                 teamwork, decision making
QEP:                        Competency II: cooperation-opposition

To score a point by running back into your batting zone.

Open space, pinnies, cones, bat, soft playground ball

- Split class into 2 differently coloured teams: fielding team and striking team.
- When the batter hits the ball, the fielding team has to try to tag the hitting player by throwing the ball at the player.
- If the player is hit with the ball they go back to the batting area.
- If the batter was able to reach their safe zone without getting hit, they are safe.
- To gain a point, the hitting player must run to the safe zone and back to the batting area without getting hit by the ball. This doesn’t have to be all in the same turn. For example: Player A hits the ball and waits in the safe zone until Player B hits on the next turn and then Player A can run back to the batting zone (and Player B can choose to either stay there or run back to score a point).
- When the fielding team throws the ball at the striking team they are only able to pivot. They must work together by passing the ball to trap them.
- Once everyone on the striking team has gone, teams switch positions.
- The ball can be hit in any direction, as long as it leaves the batting zone.

- Underhand throws only
- Cycle I: use a batting tee
- When dropping the bat to run, if it rolls out of the batting zone the batter is out

- Keep head up
- Members of striking team who are not “at bat” should stand far from play area (ideally on a side bench)
- Must only hit players below waist level with the ball
- Don’t throw or run with the  bat
- Fielding team is not allowed to block running bath of striking team

© Trish Dempsey 2011