Porky Piglet's Games for Elementary Physical Education
TYPE:                       Strike & Field 
CYCLE:                     I, II, III                                                                                                                            

TACTICS:                  reaction time, agility
QEP:                         Competency II: cooperation-opposition, use of available space

To score as many points as possible before other team throws the chicken.

Open space, rubber chicken

- Divide class into two differently coloured teams, and choose one to set up in the outfield, and the other is “at bat”.
- The first player throws the Frisbee as far as they can and runs to 1st base then 2nd then 3rd then home base. If the outfield catches the Frisbee then the player who threw it is out (even if it hits the wall before being caught). A point is awarded each time a player gets back home.
- If no one catches it then the player who threw it keeps running from base to base while the fielding team tries to throw the Frisbee to the player in “pitcher”. When that player gets it, they must throw it into the net which is located at home base. If they miss the batting team gets an extra point.
- For every new “batter” there should be a new “pitcher”, and both teams should have an order they stick to.
- All players get a chance to throw the Frisbee during the inning, regardless of the number of outs. 

- For Cycle I especially: play with a soft ball or Omnikin ball instead of a Frisbee
- Members of striking team who are not “at bat” should stand far from play area (ideally on a side bench)

- Keep head up

© Trish Dempsey 2011